Welcome to the online
application at LIFE from Gjirafa!

To complete the online application, it is important for you to prepare the following documents according to the instructions below and then submit the documents (at the end of application process):

A short CV (in English, max. 2 pages, PDF, max. 10 MB)
A Motivation Letter (in English, max. 1 page, PDF, max. 10 MB).

Please, for those of you that don’t have the above documents, you should prepare them before starting to fill the application online. Whereas, for those of you that already have the above documents you may immediately proceed to fill the application form.

Personal Info

Which high school did you attend?*
Did/Do you study Computer Science, Computer
Engineering or any related field?*
What made you decide to study computer science?*
Primary reason for applying to LIFE from Gjirafa? (we
understand that it maybe all, but which one do you value as the most important)*
How fluent are you in English (0 = not at all fluent 5 = very fluent)?*
Not at all fluent
Very Fluent
What is your favorite mode of study?*
Do you prefer to develop a career in FrontEnd, BackEnd or Devops? (choose as many as apply)*
Describe a personal quality, experience or achievement which demonstrates your leadership potential/skills.*
Do you have any difficulties / obstacles / problems / physical or health disabilities, which we should take into account when evaluating for admission or during LIFE training?*
A short CV*

in English, max. 2 pages, PDF, max. 10 MB

*Required, file size must be less than 10 MB
A Motivation Letter*

in English, max. 2 pages, PDF, max. 10 MB

*Required, file size must be less than 10 MB
Write name and surname of the person who recommended you to apply at LIFE

Before submitting your application, please make sure that you have filled all the required fields and you have submitted the documents.

By submitting this application you hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. You also understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or immediate termination from whenever discovered.